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Harvard Kennedy School 's Ash Center to Learn about Democratic Governance, Voting & Innovation

George Greenidge

Boston High School Students visit Harvard Kennedy School 's Ash Center to Learn about Democratic Governance, Voting & Innovation by George R. Greenidge, Jr.

It was a joyous time at the Harvard Kennedy School yesterday learning about policy, politics, and community. With all the chaperones, college students mentors and high school students - we totaled around 60 participants. I would like to give a special thanks to the Ash Center professors, fellows, staff, and students who made sure that the Boston Black Agenda Youth Conference in 2022 was a great success! Moreover, it was a great opportunity to make sure that going to Harvard is a possibility. The students also had a full tour of thre Harvard University campus and met with undergradate students in Student Cenyer: Here are the pictures.

The Ash Center Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation is home to students, scholars, and practitioners dedicated to Asia public policy, antiracism, democracy, and Indigenous governance. By training the very best leaders, developing powerful new ideas, and disseminating innovative solutions and institutional reforms, the Center’s goal is to meet the profound challenges facing the world’s citizens. It advances and promotes excellence and innovation in governance and public policy through research, education, and public discussion.


The Ash Center Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation is home to students, scholars, and practitioners dedicated to Asia public policy, antiracism, democracy, and Indigenous governance. By training the very best leaders, developing powerful new ideas, and disseminating innovative solutions and institutional reforms, the Center’s goal is to meet the profound challenges facing the world’s citizens. It advances and promotes excellence and innovation in governance and public policy through research, education, and public discussion.

Here is more information about the Center:



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